PowerShell provides a means to backup data within SharePoint through the following command:
Backup-SPFarm -Directory [Path] -BackupMethod [Full|Differential] -Item [BackupItem] -Verbose -Percentage [Percentage]
The Directory parameters specifies the path where the backup will be generated. This can either be a UNC path or a location on the server. “You don’t need to enter the spbr* folder name as this will be auto generated”BackupMethod
The backup method parameter details the type of backup that will be performed. This can either be Full or Differential:
The item parameter specifies the component within the farm that will be backed up. If the item has a unique name you can use just that, however, if it doesn’t then you will need to us the path to the item within the farm.In order to get the path to the item you can use the following command:
Backup-SPFarm -ShowTree
“Farm\Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application\[Site Name]\[Content Database Name]”